May 22, 2013
As I prepare to depart my home in southern Connecticut to attend Uncle JJ’s funeral, I reflect back on the 45-plus years that I have known him and I have determined that Uncle JJ is a great man.
But what makes a man great? For me, it isn’t what he does during his short time on earth but what he leaves behind when he departs his earthly life. Some men make scientific discoveries that are talked about and written about for centuries. Thoughts of some men live on forever through their literary work. Some men are remembered as great leaders of other men. But, what makes Uncle JJ such a great man?
Take a look at the lives of James, the first of the line to arrive in America from Ireland; of George, the third son of James and first owner of the famous family Farm; of William, who married Clara. Last June, 2012, many descendants of James gathered at the Farm in honor of 100 years since George purchased the Farm. What struck me most at that celebration was the sincere kindness and bond that was shared by everyone present. That is what James, George, and William left behind after they departed their earthly lives. I realized the Family they created is what made each of them some of the greatest men to ever live.
What about Uncle JJ? How does his life measure up to those of others? I am not there yet for his funeral, but I have been following the comments and preparations through Facebook. When I arrive in Mechanicville, New York in a few hours, I anticipate having an in-person observation of what qualifies Uncle JJ as one of the greatest men to ever live. I am going to look around me, as I have so many times when I have been in his presence, and I am going to see a sea of Uncle JJ’s children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, siblings, nieces and nephews, and close friends that will forever solidify my belief that Uncle JJ is indeed one of the world’s greatest men.
Rest in peace Uncle JJ. What you have done for those you leave behind would surely fill any man with great pride. You, Uncle JJ, truly are a great man!
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