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Highway Driving Tips and Tidbits!

May 13, 2010 


Someone else's shoes: there you are, driving down the Interstate. You are in the left lane driving the speed limit and thinking what a great citizen you are being as cars begin to back up behind you. The more congestion you create by your wonderful act of citizenship, the more proud you become. Unknown to you, there is an ambulance carrying a loved one who is being "rushed" to the hospital.

When looking to walk across a street with crosswalk lights, why do people push the buttons if they aren't planning to wait for the "walk" signal??? Does anyone think such people realize the unnecessary traffic congestion they cause by performing such tho

Proper merging is an art form that requires cooperation from drivers of multiple vehicles! Most driving problems would disappear if drivers would just set aside their egos while behind the wheel! We're all in a hurry and we'd ALL get to our destinations ... We should each ask ourselves, "What can I do to help everyone around me to get where they are going faster?"

When driving on multi-lane highways, please observe the following as a common courtesy: if you are in the left lane AND there is no one directly in front of you AND you are not QUICKLY passing cars to your right, then PLEASE GET OUT OF THE LEFT LANE!!!

When stopped at a traffic light with more cars stopped than can make it through the light in one cycle, are you aware that inefficient movement of cars through the light can lead to an unnecessarily prolonged backup at that light? Please consider other d

Time to stir a bit of controversy with those traffic enforcers out there: in high density traffic, people need to learn to drive with the "Flow" of traffic, no matter what speed the flow is moving! Simply driving at your own sweet pace is selfish and a

Final Comment for my Driving Series: Drive the car! It is a dangerous machine that requires a driver's undivided attention. It only takes a split second of inattention to cause death and destruction. Keep track of everything in your field of view

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