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Sunday, December 5, 2021

Who Are America’s “True People”?

This question came up following an organized march in Washington, DC on 4 December 2021 by a group of just over 100 people who call themselves “Patriot Front”.  Thomas Rousseau, the Front’s leader, said, “Our demonstrations are an exhibition of our unified capability to organize, to show our strength—not as brawlers or public nuisances, but as men capable of illustrating a message and seeking an America that more closely resembles the interests of its true people.”

So, who exactly are the “true people” of “America”?  Could it be the indigenous peoples who lived on the lands now defined as the United States of America before that nation was formally documented in 1789?  Could it be anyone who has been granted citizenship to the country that became the United States of America in 1789 and still exists today?  Could it be any person who has successfully established a life inside the borders of the United States of America?  Or, are there other possibilities that I haven’t presented here?

Indigenous Peoples are defined by the World Bank as “distinct social and cultural groups that share collective ancestral ties to the lands and natural resources where they live, occupy or from which they have been displaced.”  While it turns out that the indigenous peoples from the lands that now make up the United States of America were not “Indians” as Christopher Columbus called them, those native American peoples clearly have solid arguments to claim themselves to be the “true people” of America.

The United States of America has been globally recognized as a sovereign nation with defined borders since 1789.  The current borders have been unchanged since Hawaii was added on 21 August 1959.  The Constitution of the United States of America defines requirements for citizenship.  There are currently more than 300 million people in the world who are recognized as citizens of the United States of America.  There are certainly solid arguments for making a claim that citizens of the United States of America are the “true people” of America.

Anyone who has established a life within the borders of the United States of America is a true person, if we consider that most definitions of person include a reference to any individual human being.  Given the common belief in America that “possession is nine-tenths of the law”, there is definitely an argument that can be made to claim that anyone who breaths air within the borders of the United States of America could be considered among the “true people” of America.

Perhaps there are other groupings of people who could make a claim to being the “true people” of America that I haven’t thought about yet?  Regardless, I say with a high degree of confidence that the group calling themselves “Patriot Front”, or any other small group of people occupying space in the United States of America (for example, any group making up less than one percent of the populations described above as candidates for “true people” of America), is not among those who can stake a claim to being the “true people” of America.  If anyone, including the Patriot Front, disagrees with me, I’d love to hear the legitimate arguments they’d care to make.

The United States of America exists as a Democratic Republic and it can’t be a true Democratic Republic if its “true people” make up such a miniscule portion of its population.  In addition, the United States of America will not survive as a Constitutional Government if we keep fighting amongst ourselves over which small group should be in control.  “We the People” are a collective of ALL THE PEOPLE, not just the people that think in one, very narrow way!

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