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Saturday, October 2, 2021

Women’s March 2021

Today is about resolving a conflict between the freedoms of We the People (WtP) to choose our own destinies and the obligation of the Government authorized by WtP to protect those freedoms.

What exactly is freedom?  Freedom is an ideal that can never be achieved in a society of beings that rely on each other for existence.  For example, a family has the freedom to establish their home anywhere they choose, but what happens when multiple families wish to choose the same home?  Without a government, or other mediator, how does such a conflict get resolved?  The purpose of our democratically elected government is to enact, enforce, and interpret laws that help WtP resolve disputes like this and many, many more.

For today, the debate is centered around the conflict between a woman’s right to choose termination of a pregnancy and the Government’s obligation to protect the lives of its citizens.  With 328 million people having 328 million different ideas on how to balance the competing interests, it is up to the government to establish the most appropriate balance to meet the requirements of the 328 million, without favoring the requirements of the few, or the one.

Most of the 328 million agree it is unreasonable to eliminate a woman’s choice to terminate a pregnancy before a woman has had a reasonable amount of time to consider the consequences of doing so, which must be accompanied by the knowledge that a pregnancy exists in the first place.  It is also unreasonable for the government authorized by WtP to allow termination of a pregnancy in the final month, as a child at that stage of development can easily survive without a dependency on the mother or medical interventions.  The task that WtP must resolve is to determine where to draw the line for the transition from a woman’s freedom to choose and the government’s obligation to protect the lives of those within its borders.

The United States of America belongs to WtP and it is up to WtP to make this non-trivial decision, not as individuals, but as a collective of 328 million people.  It is about the will of WtP and not about the will of you or me alone.